**Many thanks for visiting my (new) website which has replaced my old one that I felt was looking dated and no amount of redesigning could help !! Equally my move from DSLR to mirrorless Nikon cameras has prompted a photographic “spring clean” !


An interest since childhood in all things about nature has persisted throughout my life and, together with an interest in the world around us, photography gives me the opportunity to experience, record and teach others about the amazing planet we live on. A journey that started with bird watching at 8 or 9 years old, led on to teenage years with an old Zenith E film SLR and a home darkroom to produce images of everything from motorbikes at Brands Hatch to architecture. A career interfered but the bug never disappears and the arrival of digital reignited the flames and it’s flexibility took me back to wildlife and then landscape photography. Nothing relieved the stress of a work better than being in nature and if Covid has been of any benefit it has at least highlighted to so many just what fresh air and the incredible world around us can do for us . I am lucky enough to have been published several times and won awards in Scottish Wildlife Photographer of the Year, been Kent Wildlife Trust Photographer of the Year, BWPA, and several others though I confess I generally no longer enter competitions (

First and foremost, I feel I'm a conservationist and naturalist as much as a photographer. The protection of our planet and everything on it must come first. If you took away my cameras but I still had my binoculars, walking boots and wildlife then I’d be just fine. I’ve done conservation work with the National Trust, the Riverfly Partnership, Kent Wildlife Trust, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, The Barn Owl Trust and several others just to give a little back. But my greatest joy was creating an 8 acre wildflower meadow at my old property which I made a video about on my YouTube channel.

My previous work involved a degree of training/teaching and I love to pass on my knowledge and when I can I offer tuition to those in need ! (more detail on the TUITION page)

The equipment/cameras I use is under the EQUIPMENT section if of interest but they are just a tool and whilst each make/model has things to offer, there really isn’t a bad camera out there these days.

My photography always endeavours to put the welfare of the natural world first, whether that’s a Kentish Barn Owl or a rare Scots Pine tree in the Highlands. No number of great images can justify causing stress or damage to a subject.